Friday, July 16, 2010

Voting: Is Your Ballot Really Secret? - TIME NewsFeed

Voting: Is Your Ballot Really Secret? - TIME NewsFeed

An investigation by the Associated Press found that if you live in New Mexico and a few other states, your election data could be compromised.

Ballot secrecy is a central principle of American democracy, and yet, according to the report, gerrymandering and political campaigning have compromised this for hundreds of voters. --->>>


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Excellent post about the secrecy of our ballots! To sustain trust in our democracy, we must safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the voting process. This conversation reminds me of some important company law dissertation topics such as how corporate governance affects transparency and accountability. Understanding these principles can shed light on larger concerns of trust and secrecy in both the corporate and public sectors.
