Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Honolulu Cuts Costs With First All-Digital Election in the U.S.

Honolulu Cuts Costs With First All-Digital Election in the U.S.:

Electronic voting has a bad rap it can't seem to shake. Across the country e-voting machines are regarded skeptically at best. Many citizen activists and some elections officials have re-embraced paper as the best and most accurate way to vote.

In May 2009, the city and county of Honolulu tried a different approach for electing members of its Neighborhood Boards. Instead of e-voting machines, residents voted either online or by phone. No paper ballots were available. The all-digital election -- which may be the first of its type in the United States -- didn't come about because the government sought to advance technology. The move was driven by a more pedestrian reason: budget cuts.

Although participation was low, city officials said eliminating paper ballots slashed typical election costs by half.

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